Hey everyone,
This is Marian here. We had another amazing day yesterday. Yesterday we volunteered at the Mary Martha House and it was a wonderful experience. Mary Martha house is a program that assists women 18+.
We started off planting hibiscus plants, but the weather decided we needed a break when it started to pour rain. That reminded me of Erie, lol.
While it was raining we helped out in the thrift store. Here we have one of our co leaders "Alligator" sporting the chic mumu look. Isn't she lovely?
After the rain stopped we planted more hibiscus and took some pictures and this is the final product.
Our fun didn't stop there. We also visited a hydro farm where we learned about various fruits and vegetables and also how to pick them. Look at these beautiful ladies with the strawberries that they picked.
Yesterday was an amazing day filled with amazing people. The strawberries were delicious by the way. Thank you for reading our blog.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
Learning How to Fish?
Greetings Earthlings,
This is Elsie Stich, and I will be sharing the experiences we had today, our second full day in Florida. Today we listened to various speakers (pictured below) talk about their experiences with human trafficking, domestic violence, and drug/alcohol abuse. The presenters spoke from their different perspectives of these problems in the Tampa area. Ms. Sally Dittman, who is the former president of and a strong advocate for the Southshore Campaign Against Human Trafficking organized and arranged the group that spoke to us today. After the presentations, we had lunch and then followed Tiera Biesinger to the Learn to Fish Recovery House to spend time and eat dinner with the people living there.
Keisha and Sonya from Miracles Outreach; this shelter focuses mainly on girls who are oftentimes living as wards of the state who are threatened with sexual trafficking and assault. They mentioned that most girls that they get will become involved in an act called "survival sex". This act includes doing sexual deeds for basic needs of living, such as receiving food, clothes, money, gifts, shelter, etc.
This is Elsie Stich, and I will be sharing the experiences we had today, our second full day in Florida. Today we listened to various speakers (pictured below) talk about their experiences with human trafficking, domestic violence, and drug/alcohol abuse. The presenters spoke from their different perspectives of these problems in the Tampa area. Ms. Sally Dittman, who is the former president of and a strong advocate for the Southshore Campaign Against Human Trafficking organized and arranged the group that spoke to us today. After the presentations, we had lunch and then followed Tiera Biesinger to the Learn to Fish Recovery House to spend time and eat dinner with the people living there.
Keisha and Sonya from Miracles Outreach; this shelter focuses mainly on girls who are oftentimes living as wards of the state who are threatened with sexual trafficking and assault. They mentioned that most girls that they get will become involved in an act called "survival sex". This act includes doing sexual deeds for basic needs of living, such as receiving food, clothes, money, gifts, shelter, etc.
Susan and Laurie from the Mary and Martha House, which is a domestic violence housing facility, spoke about what they do to help family survivors of domestic violence. They have an 87% success rate. There are three shelters owned by the Mary and Martha House, but they are not just shelters. These homes are resources for survivors to use for resume creation, mock interviews, creation of own bank accounts, three new outfits (including jewelry, shoes, accessories, etc.), groceries, budgeting resources, and any other imaginable thing that could help these survivors get back up and steady.
Janet Smith (president) and Tanya (resident) of Haven of Hope presented their mission and how they plan to accomplish said mission. Their goal is to "help former prisoners productively assimilate back into society as they become passionate followers of Jesus Christ." Haven of Hope is also more of a resource facility than just simply a shelter. They help the women back on their feet after being incarcerated for various amounts of time. Tanya, who is a current resident of the Haven of Hope facility, is pictured above.
From beginning to end of video: Sammy, Marian, Almi, Summer, Christina, Stephanie, Michelle, Nari, Miss Odessa, Tiera, Julia, Mari, Muriel, Ally, Angie, and Elsie (next to Sammy at beginning of video)
During our introductions after dinner, we all lost our focus and ERUPTED into conversation! At first, we were all a bit quiet and unsure of what to say and how to act, but that changed as soon as we started talking and realizing that we're all just people trying to survive in the world. These women are strong and amazing. They are all in the recovery house for different reasons, but are all there for the same cause: to get back on their feet again. We did not intend to spend over four hours with these women (and their children!), but as they say - time flies when you're having fun! Through being in the house with them, I realized that people from all walks of life can encounter domestic violence and substance abuse. People typically think "that'll never happen to me", but these women also though the same thing. A handful of them were highly educated and had amazing careers before they were dragged down to rock bottom by things out of their control. Hearing them relate their recovery back to their faith was inspiring and actually made me reconsider my religious beliefs. If they can look at their situation as a blessing, then so can I.
Elsie holding Sammy's baby
Almi playing with Sammy's baby
The ABST group doing the "Baby Shark song for Alex's son
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Our First Official Day!
Hey everybody!
This is Muriel Very blogging for the day, and let me just say, it was incredible! We have had a beautiful, laid-back day starting off with a grilled lunch with two new friends we made! They are both Masters in Physical Therapy majors, here at the Gannon Ruskin campus, and were more than happy to take a study break to spend lunch with us. We then moved onto our next adventure of the day, which included visiting the Manatee Visiting Center in Apollo Beach. It was a great bonding experience for all of us and we even got to squeeze in a relaxing walk on the beach, ending with our reflection for the day next to a breathtaking sunset. (It doesn't quite beat the Erie sunsets though!) These first two days have been awesome experiences for us to get to know each other better so that we can officially start our works of service tomorrow morning. We are all anxious to get started with our mission and can't wait to help the community around us!
(P.S. I think our co-leaders, Ally and Mari, might have a future job in the construction of the new Gannon Ruskin building! How about those hardhats??)
This is Muriel Very blogging for the day, and let me just say, it was incredible! We have had a beautiful, laid-back day starting off with a grilled lunch with two new friends we made! They are both Masters in Physical Therapy majors, here at the Gannon Ruskin campus, and were more than happy to take a study break to spend lunch with us. We then moved onto our next adventure of the day, which included visiting the Manatee Visiting Center in Apollo Beach. It was a great bonding experience for all of us and we even got to squeeze in a relaxing walk on the beach, ending with our reflection for the day next to a breathtaking sunset. (It doesn't quite beat the Erie sunsets though!) These first two days have been awesome experiences for us to get to know each other better so that we can officially start our works of service tomorrow morning. We are all anxious to get started with our mission and can't wait to help the community around us!
(P.S. I think our co-leaders, Ally and Mari, might have a future job in the construction of the new Gannon Ruskin building! How about those hardhats??)
Saturday, March 2, 2019
We Made It!!
Hello friends,
Mari Lohitai here, and I'm happy to say we've arrived safely. Today was a long day of travel, but we're closer because of it. The day started bright and early at 7:15. And with several other wonderful ABST's by our side, we made our departure. Only a bus ride, two plane rides and a rental van stood between us and Ruskin. Although we encountered some bumps in the road (and in the sky), our team handled each change of plans with grace, patience, and tons of humor. I'm excited to see what the rest of the week holds!
Getting a Jump Start to our ABST! L-R Erika Ramalho, Marian Collin Franco, Mari Lohitai, Almi Clerkin, Ally Gates, Julia DelPonte, Muriel Very and Elsie Stich
Mari Lohitai and Ally Gates reacting to the "Beware of Alligators" sign at Gannon's Ruskin campus.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
It's Almost Time!!
Our team is anxiously awaiting our departure this Saturday, March 2nd. While we wait, here are some more introductions of our team.
Meet Ally Gates:
Hi, I'm Ally Gates and I am a Junior Physician's Assistant major co-leading the Ruskin trip this year. I am so excited to be able to get to know the women going on this trip as well as learning about how to help the victims of human trafficking and domestic and sexual violence. I look forward to sharing our journey with you this year!
Meet Marian B. Collin Franco:
My name is Marian B. Collin Franco. I am a first year legal studies major from the Virgin Islands with a Hispanic background. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I chose ABST because I enjoy helping people and I enjoy traveling. I chose the Ruskin trip because I can relate to this one the most. I hope to help as much as possible and gain more knowledge. I also can't wait to feel the sun!
Meet Elsie Stich, Mortuary Science major:
I chose this trip because I am a survivor of sexual assault. Seeing this trip as an option really resonated with me. I want to help people with a similar experience as I to be able to recover and cope healthily. I've always been interested in helping people in any way I can, so using my spring break in service is a ideal opportunity to me.
Meet Julia DelPonte, Biology major:
I wanted to do and be on an ABST because I enjoy traveling and helping others. I heard countless stories of the life changing experiences other students have had and wanted to be part of that as well.
Meet Muriel Very, Nursing major:
I wanted to originally go on this trip because doing service for others is really where my heart belongs. I thought that this trip had a really interesting and important topic. I am super excited to be of service and learn lots on this trip!
Thanks for your time and we'll see you in Ruskin!
Meet Ally Gates:
Hi, I'm Ally Gates and I am a Junior Physician's Assistant major co-leading the Ruskin trip this year. I am so excited to be able to get to know the women going on this trip as well as learning about how to help the victims of human trafficking and domestic and sexual violence. I look forward to sharing our journey with you this year!
Meet Marian B. Collin Franco:
My name is Marian B. Collin Franco. I am a first year legal studies major from the Virgin Islands with a Hispanic background. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I chose ABST because I enjoy helping people and I enjoy traveling. I chose the Ruskin trip because I can relate to this one the most. I hope to help as much as possible and gain more knowledge. I also can't wait to feel the sun!

Meet Elsie Stich, Mortuary Science major:
I chose this trip because I am a survivor of sexual assault. Seeing this trip as an option really resonated with me. I want to help people with a similar experience as I to be able to recover and cope healthily. I've always been interested in helping people in any way I can, so using my spring break in service is a ideal opportunity to me.

Meet Julia DelPonte, Biology major:
I wanted to do and be on an ABST because I enjoy traveling and helping others. I heard countless stories of the life changing experiences other students have had and wanted to be part of that as well.

Meet Muriel Very, Nursing major:
I wanted to originally go on this trip because doing service for others is really where my heart belongs. I thought that this trip had a really interesting and important topic. I am super excited to be of service and learn lots on this trip!
Thanks for your time and we'll see you in Ruskin!
Monday, February 11, 2019
Meet Erika Ramalho
Erika Ramalho is Gannon University’s Director of Community and Government Relations. She facilitates Gannon’s commitment with community called Erie-Gannon Alliances to Improve Neighborhood Sustainability (Erie-GAINS). Erika has worked for the Commonwealth of PA, the County of Erie and Gannon Alumni, Tom Kennedy. She is married to John Ramalho and they have 2 children – Anna, 17 and Jacob 15 – as well as 2 dog children – Chloe and Marco.

Thursday, February 7, 2019
Meet Almi Clerkin!
My name is Almitra (Almi) Clerkin and I am one of two accompaniers going to Ruskin Florida for the 2019 Gannon Spring Break. I am a proud GU graduate with two degrees - a BS in Business Management (1985) and a MA in Health Communication (2017). When I retired after 25 year on staff from the Erie Playhouse, I wanted to continue to work downtown for an organization that makes an impact in our community, both locally and globally. I had to look no further than my alma mater! I am fortunate to be on staff, working with 15 awesome people in University Advancement who put our students first.
Speaking of students first, our students are the best and Erika Ramalho and I are joining eight selfless young women to serve children and women who are victims of trafficking and abuse. These students are putting their needs aside to put others first. I am excited to learn from them and honored to stand side-by-side with them as we help make other lives better.
Speaking of students first, our students are the best and Erika Ramalho and I are joining eight selfless young women to serve children and women who are victims of trafficking and abuse. These students are putting their needs aside to put others first. I am excited to learn from them and honored to stand side-by-side with them as we help make other lives better.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Introduction to the 2019 Ruskin Team
Hello friends and family,
Mari Lohitai here. It's that time of year again! Here at Gannon's Erie campus, students are emotionally and physically preparing for an amazing ABST experience and we are no different. This year our roster consists of Erika Ramalho and Almi Clerkin as our wonderful accompaniers. Ally Gates and I are the co-leaders of this amazing team.
I would like to introduce myself. I am a junior Public Service and Global Affairs major. I recently declared my Business Administration minor and am working on a French Language minor. I've had a long history with the Alternative Break Service Trip program. I had my first experience as a first year student. I traveled to DC where I learned about hunger and homelessness. The trip had a profound impact on me. I enjoyed learning about the complexities of social issues. The following year I had my first leadership opportunity with the program. I got to go back to DC and curate the experience for new students. I fell in love!
The Ruskin ABST focuses on power-based violence. This includes domestic violence and sex trafficking. I can't wait to educate myself and my team on this terribly important issue.
To keep up with our transformative experience, follow this blog. We will be introducing the rest of our leadership team as well as our students over the next few weeks. From March 3rd to March 8th we will be updating this blog daily with our discoveries.
Thank you so much for your time,
Mari Lohitai
I would like to introduce myself. I am a junior Public Service and Global Affairs major. I recently declared my Business Administration minor and am working on a French Language minor. I've had a long history with the Alternative Break Service Trip program. I had my first experience as a first year student. I traveled to DC where I learned about hunger and homelessness. The trip had a profound impact on me. I enjoyed learning about the complexities of social issues. The following year I had my first leadership opportunity with the program. I got to go back to DC and curate the experience for new students. I fell in love!
The Ruskin ABST focuses on power-based violence. This includes domestic violence and sex trafficking. I can't wait to educate myself and my team on this terribly important issue.
To keep up with our transformative experience, follow this blog. We will be introducing the rest of our leadership team as well as our students over the next few weeks. From March 3rd to March 8th we will be updating this blog daily with our discoveries.
Thank you so much for your time,
Mari Lohitai
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