Meet Ally Gates:
Hi, I'm Ally Gates and I am a Junior Physician's Assistant major co-leading the Ruskin trip this year. I am so excited to be able to get to know the women going on this trip as well as learning about how to help the victims of human trafficking and domestic and sexual violence. I look forward to sharing our journey with you this year!
Meet Marian B. Collin Franco:
My name is Marian B. Collin Franco. I am a first year legal studies major from the Virgin Islands with a Hispanic background. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I chose ABST because I enjoy helping people and I enjoy traveling. I chose the Ruskin trip because I can relate to this one the most. I hope to help as much as possible and gain more knowledge. I also can't wait to feel the sun!

Meet Elsie Stich, Mortuary Science major:
I chose this trip because I am a survivor of sexual assault. Seeing this trip as an option really resonated with me. I want to help people with a similar experience as I to be able to recover and cope healthily. I've always been interested in helping people in any way I can, so using my spring break in service is a ideal opportunity to me.

Meet Julia DelPonte, Biology major:
I wanted to do and be on an ABST because I enjoy traveling and helping others. I heard countless stories of the life changing experiences other students have had and wanted to be part of that as well.

Meet Muriel Very, Nursing major:
I wanted to originally go on this trip because doing service for others is really where my heart belongs. I thought that this trip had a really interesting and important topic. I am super excited to be of service and learn lots on this trip!
Thanks for your time and we'll see you in Ruskin!
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